Hodge Lifetime improves its interest-only retirement mortgage
Hodge Lifetime has lowered the rate on its tax free lump sum interest-only retirement mortgage.
The rate is fixed for five-years at 4.39% and it reverts to the lenders variable rate currently 4.2%. The overall cost for comparison is 4.2% APR.
Hodge will typically assess affordability based on projected pension income and investments.
The maximum loan-to-value is 50% of the property value and overall lending is capped at £500,000.
Hodge Lifetime managing director Deian Jones told Mortgage Strategy: “As options for customers looking to borrow in retirement have reduced, especially on an interest-only basis, this latest rate reduction offers advisers a competitive and flexible solution for those customers.”
There is a £995 arrangement fee and early repayment charges apply for five-years. The age of the youngest applicant is 55 and the maximum age is 80.
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